Jul 30, 2010

Aug 10

8月10日、Dam-Funk & Master Blazter,DJ spinna@fortgreene parkですよ。 Stones Throw関係の音好きにはたまりませんね〜。

BlueFunk District presents Dâm Funk from eckelwood on Vimeo.

Jul 26, 2010

Jul 25, 2010


After I went to Bronx, I stopped by terakawa ramen restaurant. Some of my friends said to me their food is good, but other friends said they r not good at all. So finally I tried it. Honestly their ramen is soso. Not good but not bad...
18 Lexington Ave New York, NY 10010 (22nd & 23rd St)
(212) 777-2939

Jul 24, 2010

Celebrate Brooklyn! OkayAfrica with The Roots and Talib Kweli@ Prospect Park

ちなみに私日本人アーティスト以外で最初に自分で買ったCDはthe rootsの一番好きなアルバム『Things Fall Apart』です。1999年にNYに初めて遊びにきたときにvirgin recordで買いましたよ。5種類あるアルバムジャケットありますがRiotバージョンもってます。すべてかなりいいジャケ写真ですよ〜。
I went to this concert abt 2 weeks ago. It was so good. I really like free outside concert in NY. Because of course it's free and I can feel the vibes that people is really enjoying the music. I got the roots album『Things Fall Apart』@virgin record,when I came to NY first time in 1999. It was first time to get not Japanese artist CD for me. I have riot version.I like their all front covers though.

July 22:DJs Jazzy Jay, Rockin' Rob, Biz Markie & Kool DJ Red Alert@ crotona park jam in Bronx

Jul 23, 2010

Chris Mendoza@Con Artist

They r going to have some party next Wed. It's in the middle of week but it's good day to start party!!


It made me feel watch 『Kids』again.

Jul 19, 2010

hand roll party

I ate a lot of fish!!

Jul 13, 2010

brooklyn hiphop festival2010

I haven't been to bk hiphop festival since 2007.

nice&smoothとかde la soulとかほかにもいっぱいゲストあり。ちなみにチケット$15です。1500円でいっぱいゲストみれるって最高じゃないですか?みんな音楽を楽しんでる一体感があって最高でした!!
I love NY summer time.It doesn't matter the age where we from,everybody enjoy the music. That's why I can't leave brooklyn!!